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We had to do this one in Roll20. Format may be improved later.

Awesome. So to what capacity are you caught up with the plot?
Jaden0: Um
I know kind of what my plans were
And kind of what's going on
But I'm sure I've forgotten some things
GM: Cool, so you know that you are at Horizon Castle/Ft. Dirtyom with Eldati, right?
Father Mayron was also there, as was Hyntsa, the sick girl.
You had a few theories about what's up with her illness, which Eldati didn't agree with too much.
Mayron had been in charge of caring for her, but his powers seemed to be waining so you let Eldati try, at which point Hyntsa seemed to fall into a coma after uttering some cryptic messages to you in particular.
Meanwhile, sir Vilrays (who you likely don't remember) came back with news about the bandits, who gave you a letter saying they were taking Emita to a lake in Gorwood where they wanted to meet you.
All of that is in the transcript I gave you if you need more details.
Jaden0: Yes
I read that
And I mostly remember now
Jaden0: I think I'm going to ask for the black sword back
Since I'm heading to Gorewood
And maybe I can use it as a "Gorewood traveling pass" of sorts
GM: let's see if there's an impersonate command here...
Jaden0: Down at the bottom of chat for me there's an "As: Jaden0" and it looks like I can select other things
But there's only Jaden0 on the list
Maybe I need a token or something?
I don't know
Roll20 isn't my forte
GM: There's a reason I gave up on this software
ehh well, Eldati: "I heard what happened with the bandits."
Eldati: "What's your plan now?"
Artyom: "Well clearly off to Gorewood"
Artyom: "To rescue my sister I suppose"
Artyom: "And I've not even gotten that far yet"
Artyom: "I'm not the best at plans"
GM: She lets out a chuckle
Eldati: "How do you do it, Artyom? Your own blood hanging on the line, yet you don't show a shred of fear?"
Artyom: "Well you see, it's like this"
Eldati: "Yes?"
Artyom: "I figure I'll have plenty of time to be scared when I'm close to being stabbed"
Artyom: "So what I should worry about now is getting to the place so that I can be stabbed"
Artyom: "Er, I mean so that I can be afraid"
Eldati: "Well now you're talking like a Nerulian. I for one still think death is a bad thing."
Artyom: "Now, death is one of those tricky things"
Artyom: "I just figure I'll let it come when it catches up to me, so I don't really need to worry about it until it's staring me in the face"
Artyom: "Then I get to freak out and use magic to try and prevent it"
Eldati: "Well at least you don't pretend magic isn't fun"
Artyom: "Oh. Please. Did you see me up on that wall throwing lightning when those skeletons were coming at us? And summoning the rain? I felt like a crazy storm dude, it was great"
GM: She glances off out a window, "Don't rub it in. Half a kingdom and I'm still not as powerful as you..."
Artyom: "At least you aren't hated by the gods... maybe. I'm not sure about that. At least I'm pretty sure Nerul hates me"
Artyom: "Then again, Nerul seems to hate quite a few people..."
Eldati: "Good people, mostly. Take it as a compliment."
Artyom: "Anyhow. Since I'm going to Gorewood. Remember that black shortsword? The one I bought and gave up on studying earlier? Yeah, I might need that back."
Artyom: "While I'm sure it would be useful for you to continue doing whatever you're doing with it, it might help out on my trip to Gorewood"
GM: She nods, and paces over to a nearby, unlocked chest, from which she draws the blade.
Eldati: "It might be dangerous you know, if Gorewood knows what they are..."
Eldati: "I'll let you have it, but I want something in exchange."
Artyom: "What could I have that you'd be interested in?"
Eldati: "You are what I'm interested in."
Eldati: "Marry me."
Artyom: "Huh"
Artyom: "You know, I was not expecting that one"
Artyom: "Sure"
GM: roll wis+empathy
(/roll still works in this)
Jaden0: rolling 1d20 + 3 (13)+3 = 16
GM: You notice some surprise that you agreed that easily
Eldati: "Well then, tonight? I don't intend to delay your quest..."
Artyom: "Why not when I get back?"
Artyom: "If I were to die on this journey..."
Artyom: "It's much less tragic to lose one you're betrothed to rather than someone you've already married"
Eldati: "And worse for the realm. Do not doubt my affections for you, Artyom, but there is more at stake here than our fragile little hearts."
Eldati: "I got a letter from the king yesterday. Apparently sending the Order of Blood to hunt bandits was blasphemy in his eyes. He wants my head, and probably half the order, kingdom be damned. You, as the chosen one, are the only one he trusts. I need you to show him that what you, I, and all these people are doing here is right. And there might not be a chance later."
Eldati: "A wife can carry on your legacy. A betrothed cannot."
Artyom: "Right. I understand. Tonight then."
GM: She hands you the black sword she was holding this whole time. As she releases her grip, you can see a small cut on her hand where the blade was. It and the blade glow ever so slightly.
Do you do anything before the wedding?
Jaden0: Um
I'd point out that she cut her hand on the blade
And that it was glowing
Something along the lines of
Artyom: "Um, are you alright? You're glowing."
Artyom: "And that wasn't a compliment, there's actually a cut on your hand that seems to be glowing along with the sword"
Eldati: "Ohh, um, odd."
Eldati: "I guess I'm glad it's yours now."
Artyom: "You sure you're not feeling like an living skeleton?"
Eldati: "...what does a living skeleton feel like?"
Artyom: "I don't know, I've never been one before"
Eldati: "Nor have I."
Eldati: "But I don't fear Nerul's magic. Don't worry about me."
Jaden0: I'd like to summon 1 unit of mana
GM: alright, roll it.
Jaden0: rolling 1d20 + 12 (9)+12 = 21
GM: k u good
Jaden0: I got 21, is that enough?
GM: you needed a 1 or higher
Jaden0: Do I see anything strange about the sword or her hand?
Since now I can see magical auras
Of arcane nature
So probably not really helpful
Or magical items
Jaden0: I mean
GM: The black sword is magical.
Jaden0: I'd just know there was magic there
I kinda knew that already
Artyom glares at the magic sword
Then he takes it and wraps it in one of his spare cloaks
Artyom: "Well, if you feel strange, tell someone"
Artyom: "We still don't really know what these swords do"
GM: She nods, quickly healing the wound with magic of her own.
Jaden0: Alright
Does Artyom know what it takes to get married to someone?
Warning: The following contains pointless wedding antics. Feel free to skip.
Because I'm pretty sure he's gonna go try to get on some nice clothes at least or something.
GM: There's probably a knight of the order with a decent tunic packed that you can borrow...
Those guys are probs your best shot at a best man now that I think about it...
Jaden0: Is Sir Vilrays still around?
GM: He was half an hour ago when you last talked to him.
Jaden0: Artyom's going to go to the general area Sir Vilrays last was
And shout out
GM: "Auy, he's takin' a nap!"
Artyom: "This is more important than his nap"
Artyom: "Where is he?"
GM: the knight leads you to the barracks. The structure has been making great progress for such short time.
Jaden0: Is there a door?
GM: yes
Jaden0: Artyom knocks
GM: A groggy Vilrays opens.
Vilrays "Sir?"
Artyom: "Have you ever attended a wedding?"
GM: Vilrays, "Aye..."
Artyom: "Perfect. Do you want to be my best man?"
Sir Vilrays: "'e getting married?"
Artyom: "Yes, I was surprised too"
Sir Vilrays: "Was it some kind of accident?"
Artyom: "Not really, not unless she stuttered or something..."
Artyom: "Nope, she didn't stutter"
Artyom: "I need clothes too"
Artyom: "What all do you need to marry someone?"
GM: Vilrays looks up and down you for a second, as if expecting you to be naked and he just didn't notice up until now, then shakes his head and looks at his armor racks he's using as a dresser.
"I think we're about the same size if you wanted my robe. But then what would I wear? And you're not a grand...I'm sorry sir, my appologies. You can have my robe if you desire.
Artyom: "Hm.. no"
Artyom: "I certainly can't let my best man be unclothed"
Artyom: "Would anyone have a spare tunic around here?"
GM: "I'll...ask around."
"Is the quartermaster with us? I hate that guy..."
He quickly dresses and mutters to himself before setting off on his quest.
Artyom: "What should I do while you do that?"
GM: "Did the girl have a ring? Or two?"
Artyom: "You know... I'm not sure"
Artyom: "But I could make some!"
GM: "Normally the man's father gives the woman's father something of value. I feel like most people just get lazy and go with rings."
"Did you never do any of this out in the villages?"
Artyom: "Nope, I've never married before"
Artyom: "And most of the time I was too busy making the tiny barrels we'd use as gifts to actually attend the wedding"
Artyom: "You make the barrels intentionally smaller so they have to buy a bigger one if they want more to drink later"
Artyom: "Serves as a great wedding present though. I hear my mother always got praised for bringing them to the weddings"
GM: "Should I send an invite out to her?"
Artyom: "It's rather far... and I'm afraid with the kingdom in the state that it's in. With the undead and all, it might not be too safe"
Artyom: "Besides from what I understand we're on a tight schedule"
GM: "Right of course, your sister. I'm sorry I forgot."
Artyom: "No problem. In fact I'm surprised you're functioning this well just after being woken up like you were"
GM: "A knight of the Order of Blood must always be ready."
Artyom: "Alright, I'm going to try to make some rings and wait here for you to get back"
Artyom: "Good luck finding clothes"
GM: "Our lord blesses us in many strange ways. I'm not concerned."
So I assume you're gonna go with bottomless pocket for your crafting?
Jaden0: Yep
GM: Or are you going to make really tiny barrels?
Jaden0: Bottomless pocket for glass rings
GM: fancy
Jaden0: Mmhm
I figure it's more suitable than leather or iron rings
Since I'm assuming I can't make gold or such
Otherwise I'd literally have just been making 2 lb gold bars
GM: Which is why I didn't allow it.
Jaden0: So, glass rings seem the fanciest I can make
Now just to concentrate enough to actually make them into decent rings that might be able to be worn
That's the hard part
GM: I'm going to give if DC 10 to have a hole big enough to fit your finger in, 20 to actually be small enough to stay on, 25 to get any fancy engraving or writing on it, and a separate, DC 20 WIS+EMP to actually get her finger size right
Jaden0: Alright
Let's summon the mana and conjuration for it first
2 mana, then 2 conjuration
rolling 1d20 + 12 (19)+12 = 31
rolling 1d20 + 12 (13)+12 = 25
Wow, looks like I got what I need
Jaden0: Okay
Now time to start on the others
Wis + Emp for her finger size
rolling 1d20 + 3 (13)+3 = 16
And now it's...
Jaden0: Intelligence only for shaping them using bottomless pocket?
GM: yes
Jaden0: rolling 1d20 + 1 (17)+1 = 18
rolling 1d20 + 1 (19)+1 = 20
One came out good, one came out close
GM: nice
Jaden0: He's going to go look for Eldati real quick
Which I'm assuming is where they last talked
GM: I would assume she's also off prepping for the wedding in a few hours or so.
Isn't it back luck to see the bride on the wedding day?
Jaden0: Hm
Is it?
I don't think Artyom believes in bad luck anyway
GM: Yeah, cause he's never had any
either way, I'm sure you find her somewhere.
Artyom: "Psst, Eldati!"
Artyom: "Try this on"
He hands her the ring with a quality of 18
And also the ring with the quality of 20
I'm assuming neither fit
GM: She dawns the better one immediately, and it fits this well:
rolling 1d6 = 1
Jaden0: So badly
GM: sorry, exploding rolls
rolling 1d6-1 (2)-1 = 1
Jaden0: Ah
GM: ohh, ok. Just normal terrible
Jaden0: Artyom looks displeased
Artyom: "I'll just make more"
GM: "You know, you could just make a necklace or something. Or just a shiny rock. Don't think there's ever been a bride who just got a love rock before."
Jaden0: Can I make colored glass with bottomless pocket?
GM: I'll require double the arcana to do so
Jaden0: So 2 mana and 2 conjuration per?
GM: ohh, it was conj?
double up the mana then
Jaden0: Yeah, it's usually 1 mana and 1 conj
Alright 2 mana 1 conj
2 mana
rolling 1d20 + 12 (13)+12 = 25
1 conj
rolling 1d20 +12 (18)+12 = 30
Artyom: "Eldati, what's your favorite color?"
GM: Hmm, in all my years as a DM, I don't think I ever had to decide an NPC's favorite color...
Jaden0: Have you ever had a wedding prepared within a few hours either?
GM: Only once. And it was retroactive because I needed to figure out what I could use as an improvised weapon when Zombies crashed it.
It was a graveyard smash.
(ps I promise that won't happen here, like you would care)
anyhow, I rolled #58cbf0
kind of a sky blue
Jaden0: Perfect, that's actually what I was planning initially
Artyom's going to try to make a sky blue sphere
Glass sphere
GM: you two where made for each other
Jaden0: Int check for as smooth as possible
GM: do it
Jaden0: rolling 1d20 + 1 (20)+1 = 21
rolling 1d6 - 1 (3)-1 = 2
GM: 23 on a smoothness check. It's pretty good. a few imperfections if you study it closely.
Artyom: "Voila"
GM: Ohh, did you do it right there?
Jaden0: Yeah
GM: She claps at your feat of smoothness.
Artyom: "Now... where should I put this until the wedding?"
Artyom: "Also exactly what do I need to do to get ready?"
Eldati: "Never been to a Correlon Lorethian wedding before?"
Artyom: "Nope"
Artyom: "If there's supposed to be a best man, I've got Vilrays"
Artyom: "Also he's looking for clothes for me"
GM: "That's a Palor thing. Our lord only recognizes those taking the vows."
Artyom: "Oh"
Artyom: "I do still need clothes though..., right?"
GM: "Yes. Please."
Artyom: "Okay"
Artyom: "So I don't need to bring anyone or anything? Other than this orb, me, and those less dirty clothes, of course"
GM: "Well the fathers of both parties are normally present, but... Well we could... Look, none of that stuff is actually important. In a perfect world, we wouldn't be getting married in a half-built castle in the woods, but in a perfect world we wouldn't be building a castle in the woods, would we?"
"Just find something to wear, and ask Vilrays for advice. He's been around while I've conducted enough of these things."
Artyom: "Alright, I'll be off then"
Artyom: "I guess I'll see you at the wedding, then"
Artyom: "Bye"
Unless she has anything more to say, he's back off to find Vilrays
So back to the barracks I suppose
GM: It looks like she almost says something, then looks at one of the people she was talking to before you showed up and stops herself.
Vilrays is waiting for you at the barracks, seemingly having stolen half the Order's wardrobe.
Artyom: "I see you've done well"
Artyom: "And I have bad news, apparently you're no longer my best man."
GM: "What? You found someone better that fast?"
Artyom: "It seems that's more of a Palor thing, and this is more a Correlon Lorethian wedding"
GM: "Ohh, you were looking for a man AT the ceremony? Ohh, no that's not a Correlon Lorethian thing."
Artyom: "Yeah, I've never been to weddings, so I didn't know"
Artyom: "But Eldati told me you'd been to enough of these things so I should just ask you for advice"
Artyom: "And I see you found clothes!"
GM: "Lots of em. I don't suppose your magic tells you what fits you without trying it on, does it?"
Jaden0: Um GM?
How difficult is it to summon a tentacle about my size?
Or alternatively a magical entity
GM: Can I ask for a tentacle free wedding?
Just kidding, it's pretty easy, but it won't be in your shape
Jaden0: What is the "magical entity" for the secondary part of conjuration?
Is that like a golem?
GM: I'm pretty sure it was more of an "unseen servant" thing
something akin to a ghost man. Still difficult to make just like you.
Jaden0: Alright
Artyom looks at Vilrays
Artyom: "You know..."
He thinks a bit
Artyom: "No"
Artyom: "Wait!"
Jaden0: Artyom shakes his head
Artyom: "No"
GM: "Alright then," he says as he tosses you a tunic.
Jaden0: Artyom and Vilrays go through a dress-up montage?
GM: The montagist
I'll trust you find something decent in the end.
Jaden0: I imagine there's something that'll do
And other than that
He'd get his orb he made and set out once the wedding was ready and all
Unless there's anything else
Actually hold on
Artyom: "Okay, am I missing anything?"
Artyom: "I've got my gift, me, and better clothes"
Sir Vilrays: "Did you already get the horse?"
Jaden0: Artyom blinks
Sir Vilrays: "I assume not since you asked for a best man..."
Artyom: "I need a horse?"
Sir Vilrays: "The night before the groom and his Arshashtia make the mark and tame a wild horse for him to ride in on at the wedding"
Vilrays: "Or at least that's what we tell the ladies. Usually the two of them just get drunk then some guy loans them a horse before they steal one. It's actually kind of a pain, keeping the humans from getting pissed at the elves."
Artyom: "Huh"
Artyom: "You see, I was just planning on turning invisible then appearing all of a sudden"
Artyom: "But a horse sounds good too"
Sir Vilrays: "Don't scare the poor girl to death right before you marry her. Or her mother, for that matter."
Artyom: "You don't really believe I can turn invisible, do you?"
Sir Vilrays: "Every time I decided to believe what you could or couldn't do, I've been wrong."
Artyom: "Smart man"
Artyom: "Now, I have no time for getting drunk, so let's go steal, um... borrow a horse"
Sir Vilrays: "What? Where's your sense of adventure?"
Vilrays: "I mean, yes sir!"
Jaden0: Artyom gives a wink
Artyom: "Emphasis on borrow"
GM: So what do you actually do?
Jaden0: Find a horse
Then decide what to do with it
GM: there is a stable right here in the castle...
Jaden0: Hm...
Is there anything Artyom can write on?
GM: parchment and quills are decently common aronud here
Jaden0: Artyom glances at Vilrays
Artyom: "Do you have any objection for me just writing a note saying they'll get the horse back in a bit?"
Sir Vilrays: "If your asking the Arshashtia about objections you're doing it wrong."
Vilrays: "But either of us are authorized to just requisition a horse if need be."
Artyom: "Well, looks like we're trying each horse to see which one likes me the best"
Artyom: "I actually don't think I've ridden a horse before"
GM: didn't you ride one to Glennswood way back?
Jaden0: Oh yes
I did
Artyom: "At least not very well"
Artyom: "There was this one, but we didn't get along very well, and it was kinda unstable"
Sir Vilrays: "I was there. It was funny."
Vilrays: "Still, we won't make any progress standing here..."
He gestures to the stables.
I assume you just hop on some horses and see if one doesn't seem pissed at you?
Jaden0: That's exactly what he does
Then he writes a sloppy note which says "Out for oats, I'll be back when I feel like it" and use a spare horseshoe to slightly imprint part of a parchment
GM: Vilrays likes it.
Jaden0: And leave it in that part of the stable
Artyom puts the finishing touches on his note
Artyom: "And with that, are we ready for the wedding?"
GM: He nods.
Jaden0: Well
I've got nothing more I want to do until the wedding
GM: The chapel was the first internal part of castle made, and one of the only parts finished, just in time. Decorations are sparse and slapdash, but not that you could tell the difference.
Turns out when the groom rides in the bride is already there. You also see Vilrays standing in the crowd, who gives you an astonished look. A young priestess you don't recognize stands at the altar, and Eldati gives a scolding look, whispering once you get near enough.
Eldati: "You actually stole a horse. I made a point of not telling you about that part..."
Jaden0: Artyom whispers back
Artyom: "Vilrays made especially sure that I did, blame him"
GM: I will save you from the details of an elven wedding, or any events that occur the night after.
Jaden0: I'm pleased just with knowing I've bamboozled Vilrays
GM: I assume you leave your new wife and ride as the sun rises?
Jaden0: Sure
GM: "Be safe, please."
Artyom: "Aren't I always?"
Artyom: "Unless it's invisible I tend to be able to be untouchable"
Artyom gives a wan smile
GM: As the crow flies, Gorwood is about a week's ride away, though some territory that you know nothing about on the east of Damriel. Alternatively, if you head north first, you could then head due east to Eastmark, where your sister was first reported to be and a known trading post between the two societies. That path also happens to take you back past Tinsboro.